The collaboration is viewed to strengthen health systems in India and promote continuous quality improvement to ensure quality care for patients when visiting hospitals with effective infection control practices in place.
There are three phases identified under the collaboration. During phase I, initial workshops would be carried out across hospitals in India to ensure the SAFE-I programme is adopted by hospitals as a stepping stone towards achieving quality. This will be followed by the second phase where Centres of Excellence and Health Economic models will be developed for the benefit of Indian Healthcare after dissemination of Safe-I programme. The last phase will augment national capability of standards dissemination by developing additional Centres of Excellence.
SAFE-I certification will be viewed as a precursor for preparing HCO (Healthcare organisations) or SHCO (Small healthcare organisations) for NABH accreditation. Through its experienced field force, BD will guide applicant hospitals toward SAFE-I preparation and other relevant training and development workshops. With the wider rollout of community health insurance initiatives, there is an increased demand for bed capacity. Existing small and medium-size hospitals, estimated to account for more than two-thirds of all beds need to strengthen the quality systems and these hospitals can achieve quality-of-care systems by standardizing and adopting necessary infection control practices to ensure patient and healthcare worker safety.
According to Dr Giridhar J Gyani, secretary general, Quality Council of India and CEO, NABH the objective is to develop a basic infection-control standard for all hospitals delivering healthcare in India. The association with BD will enable us to provide on- and off-site technical support to collaborating institutions for upgrading their infection control practices.
NABH has recommended quality toward safe injection practices, waste management and infusion safety, to name a few, as minimum requirements across hospitals in India, following the lead of several facilities undertaking these processes. Most of these hospitals are high in volume and have the bandwidth as well as the desire to improve clinical outcomes; whereas the quality of care in smaller hospitals, especially which are government empanelled is much more varied in terms of infection control practices. It is currently operating in India with nearly 500 hospitals in various phases of accreditation, and nearly 100 hospitals are already accredited.
“The pact with NABH is to enhance patient safety and healthcare worker safety in India. The company will leverage it global experiences in implementing infection control programmes by supporting NABH to enhance infection control standards in the hospitals of India, said Manoj Gopalakrishna, managing director, BD – India.
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