The council has invited proposals from country's premier institutions such as IITs, NIPERs, IISc and ICTs, medical colleges, pharmacy colleges, engineering colleges, science colleges and other public health departments for forming a multidisciplinary consortia of excellence for medicines research and development.
The institutes and colleges should have previous track record of good work. The multidisciplinary consortium of excellence grant will provide funding for infrastructure, staff, consumables and contingency for 5 years. Applicant should provide a concept note outlining investigators, institutions involved, plan for specific projects/idea with phase wise plan and budget for 5 years.
Senior officials say that medicines form 10-25 per cent of healthcare budget. Rational use of medicines, a priority in the 11th Plan and a thrust area in the 12th Plan, is crucial for ensuring safe, effective treatment and optimum use of available budget at all levels of healthcare -- primary, secondary and tertiary.
Knowledge of pharmacogenetics, adverse drug reactions and drug resistance should be advanced and used for fostering individualized medicine as well as public health practice. With formation of WTO and obligation to comply with TRIPS provisions, it is imperative that drug discovery and development program is strengthened in the country. Though there have been efforts by industry and academia in past few years, they were inadequate to meet the challenges.
Officials said that there is need for multidisciplinary basic research as well as translational research with collaborations between pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, other clinical departments, public health department/divisions, biology, biotechnology, chemical technology, pharmacy and other basic sciences to meet the challenge of appropriate use of existing drugs and development of (national and global) need based, new drug and drug delivery systems.
As reported in: http://www.pharmabiz.com/NewsDetails.aspx?aid=66605&sid=1