Apollo owns and manages 54 hospitals with 8,700 beds as of March. Of these, a few are fully owned by the company while others include subsidiaries, joint ventures and a few that are simply managed by it.
Apollo gets around two per cent of margins from the hospitals it manages for putting all the systems and processes in place to make these hospitals as good as any Apollo hospital.
“The capital expenditure in terms of infrastructure is less (in such an arrangement), but the group has to put in the same effort to establish and maintain a hospital as per Apollo standards. The group is not so keen on operational and management contracts inside the country,” a top official of Apollo Hospitals told Financial Chronicle.
“In the medium and long term, Apollo would explore options either to buy such hospitals or exit from these management contracts. In some cases, second-generation promoters of these hospitals might not be very keen on healthcare and some of them would like to sell the infrastructure to Apollo. But if they are willing to manage them on their own, Apollo would let them go,” he said.
Apollo is deploying the same strategy in case of franchisee-operated clinics. It wants to buy out 51 such clinics if second-generation franchisees are not interested in healthcare. Over the past few years, New Delhi-based Fortis Healthcare had taken over the management of two such hospitals from Apollo. In 2009, Fortis had forayed into Karnataka by becoming the majority stakeholder in Apollo RM hospital in Bangalore. The 100-bed hospital at Seshadripuram in central Bangalore has specialised wings for urology, nephrology, plastic surgery, oncology, gastroenterology, gynecology and obstetrics, orthopedic and trauma care.
Similarly, Fortis had taken over control of RN Modi Hospital at Kota in Rajasthan, which was earlier managed by Apollo Hospitals. The 250-bed hospital was set up with the technical support of Apollo and the group was operating it. The multi-specialty hospital in spread over 1,00,000 sq ft has cath lab, four operating rooms and 40 intensive care beds.
“O&M is a sustainable model. Entering into an O&M contract helps a brand expand faster into different geographies without much capital investment. Further, whatever returns you have from a managed hospital straightaway goes to the bottom line. However, there should be a clear game plan and a dedicated team to take care of the clinical and managerial operations of the hospital,” said Ratan Jalan, founder of Medium Healthcare Consulting.
Further, there should be an understanding between the two entities on how the relationship will progress when the hospital group wants to own hospitals in that particular city or town. When capital is no longer a matter of concern for the hospital group, there should not be any confusion over owned and managed hospitals. In case of overseas projects, Apollo does not want to get involved in financial investments. It is providing consultancy services abroad, but is not keen on putting money in foreign projects.
As reported in: http://www.mydigitalfc.com/news/apollo-has-new-game-plan-516