
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Panasonic plans to enter healthcare sector in India

Japan's largest electronics maker Panasonic plans to launch ECG machines, blood bank refrigerator, diabetes detector, solar cell, rechargeable batteries and security camera in India and is in talks with local IT companies to develop software for such products.

"We want to offer total business solutions to Indian consumers in collaboration with local companies. Such a consortium approach will help us to quickly penetrate the market and compete with local companies in terms of pricing," Panasonic India President Daizo Ito says.

The $105-billion company may buy a local healthcare equipment maker as pat of its foray into healthcare equipment, energy management and security surveillance systems in the country in a bid to beat Korean duo LG and Samsung in India by 2018.

"These are key businesses for us globally. In fact, we are even keen to acquire an Indian healthcare company for access to the sales channel," says Ito. In healthcare, Panasonic plans to roll out products like ECG machines, blood bank refrigerator, detection system for food poisoning bacteria, diabetes detector and will also expand its personal healthcare portfolio.

It will also foray into products like solar cell, fuel cell and rechargeable batteries in energy management and security camera for surveillance business. Ito says such a wide-product portfolio will help Panasonic to beat LG and Samsung in the Indian market.

"We estimate that we can beat the Koreans by 2018 by ensuring 30% annual growth in durables and entering newer categories like healthcare and energy management which have huge potential in India," says Ito.

Panasonic's latest strategy draws inspiration from Samsung, which recently toppled LG Electronics in terms of overall revenues with a diversified product strategy including mobile phones, computers and digital camera.

As reported in: