- Mr Deepak Venogopal, President, 2nd Batch
- Mr Rahul Sharma, Vice President, 4th Batch
- Mr Anaibh Deb Gupta, Secretary, 3rd Batch
- Ms Garima Mathias, Joint Secretary, 10th Batch
- Mr Praful Sharma, Treasurer, 2nd Batch
- Mr Prabhas Mishra, Member, 11th Batch
- Dr Vikas Goya, Member, 13th Batch
- Ms Arushi Gupta, Member, 14th Batch
- Mr Sashank Pathak, Member, 11th Batch
- Dr Anuj Dandotta, Member, 13th Batch
- Mr Ravi Hirwani, Member, 2nd Batch
- Ms Aliva Biswas, Member, 9th Batch
Disclaimer: The contents posted in this blog is not necessarily part of IHMR Synergy Executive board decisions or opinions. This blog is independent of the executive board or the association mentioned above and is maintained individually by Saswat Rath (saswatr@gmail.com). This blog does not take any responsibility of correctness of the information posted above.